Ignasi Fontvila
How can a simple name boost a brand? Ignasi Fontvila is a Catalan expert in naming and verbal identity. He has extensive experience in conceptualization, strategy and brand name creation for all types of products, services and companies.
In this episode we talk about his naming process. He told me that nothing will be used more often or longer than your brand name. He also detailed what mistakes companies make when they create their brand names.
Ignasi Fontvila graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and his professional career began by working as a copywriter for several Spanish communication agencies.
In 1995 he took over the creative direction of the Spanish subsidiary of the multinational Nomen and in 1999 he founded Nameworks, an independent naming agency
Today he is a consultant on verbal identity for numerous international companies, a task he combines with teaching at several universities, such as the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Elisava School at the Pompeu Fabra University, the BAU School at the University of Vic and the Abat Oliba University, among others.
He has worked in name creation processes for Pepsico, Sara Lee, Seat, Grupo Planeta, Boehringer Ingelheim, Coty Astor, Danone, Nissan, Cadbury, Cinfa, Junta de Andalucía, Gobierno de Aragón, Generalitat de Catalunya, Generalitat Valenciana, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Volkswagen, Toyota, Fujitsu, JVC, la Caixa, ,TV3, Peugeot, Renault, Toshiba, among others.
Inspiring brands to take a new look at their packaging.
Inspiring brands to take a new look at their packaging.