Stef Hamerlinck
Stef Hamerlinck is a brand strategist and designer living in Belgium. He runs his own branding studio with a wide variety of international clients in the CPG space.
In this episode, he defines Branding and explains why it matters. Stef states that not all brands necessarily have to be different and that brand purpose is overrated. He also shares some design lessons he has learned over the years in brand consultancy.
His podcast ‘Let’s Talk Branding’ is a critical exploration of all things ‘brand’. It features weekly interviews with industry leaders such as Byron Sharp, Phil Barden, and many more experts and has become a staple for brand-builders.
Stef has an outspoken voice in the branding industry, with appearances on Chris Do’s ’The Futur’, ‘Just Branding’, and many more.
Inspiring brands to take a new look at their packaging.
Inspiring brands to take a new look at their packaging.